Welcome to Sparta Reborn! We are a community of online players who’ve come together to take stress out of online gaming. We’re centered around old and simple traditions, coming from ancient Greece. Namely Sparta and the spartan creed… “This is my shield. I bear it before me into battle, but it is not mine alone. It protects my brother on my left. It protects my city. I will never let my brother out of its shadow, nor my city out of its shelter. I will die with my shield before me facing the enemy.” We’ve taken this creed and replaced only one thing, city for community. With that said, we’re not radicals and we don’t stress over wins or loses. It’s not about the individual but everyone as a whole. We focus on each other and enjoyment of a game.
So, with that out of the way, our community is here for individuals, groups and large clans to gather together and enjoy their favorite games. We’re not focused on one game, but many games. We love MMO’s and we also love to play old favorites through platforms like Steam. Those are the ones we have to go back to from time to time, referred to as moments of required solitude and serenity. We respect that and encourage it among-st our community members. This still brings us back to our core belief that all gamers should enjoy online gaming and not feel stressed about having to perform every time they log into a game. So, come on in and relax and prepare to enjoy yourself with your favorite gaming buddies and get serious when you feel the need to!
Sparta Reborn – Staff
We’ll also begin hosting competitions between clans, groups or individuals in our community and provide rewards when we can. If nothing, there’s bragging rights, right? We’ve got our calendar up and starting to populate it with dates of interest so check it or the front page ticker on a regular basses to keep up to date on what’s coming soon!